About the CLEOS Project

Founded in 2005, the Counseling Laboratory for the Exploration of Optimal States (CLEOS) uses a research-through-service model to provide career counseling to creative adolescents, college students, and adults. The program is supervised by Dr. Barbara Kerr, Distinguished Professor of Counseling Psychology at The University of Kansas. Dr. Kerr has conducted research on talent development and creativity for over 25 years. CLEOS staff members are masters and doctoral-level graduate students in the APA-accredited Counseling Psychology program at KU who have received training in special needs of creative people and the pathways they take in life. Many of them have training in fine arts, technology, creative writing, and performing arts.
At CLEOS, we believe that creativity arises in all human communities, across the spectrum of gender and privilege. We also believe that there are many forms of creativity, from celebrated performances to the hidden creativity of unrecognized or as yet undiscovered endeavors. We are here to help all people to understand their own imagination and creative abilities and to learn the ways in which they can use their unique combination of interests, personality, and values to fulfill their potential and make a difference in the world.
Why Use the name CLEOS?
Imagine our surprise when we learned that our chosen acronym for this program had an ancient Greek meaning.
- "The poem or song that conveys glory"
- "Like a natural flower, Achilles will 'wilt.' But his kleos will never wilt because it is not a thing of nature: it is a thing of art, a song."

I have a small daughter called Cleis, who is like a golden flower.